The Bianca Knight Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of tax laws governing the United States of America. Any donation(s) from foreign entities or individuals are governed by their country's charitable giving tax laws.

All donations are used to provide grants to track teams in underserved schools and communities, fund competition meets that promotes excellence and award scholarships to deserving student-athletes.

For your security, this website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encrypted transmission for financial contributions. This protects you and your information from being intercepted by a third party or hacker. All donations are processed through PayPal's secure gateway.


corporate donations

To inquire about making a one-time donation, starting an annual donation, or setting up a matching donation program at your company, please email us at:


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These companies and organizations play a vital role in our mission fulfillment.